What are Some Common Types of Criminal Defense Attorney Services?

When you’re looking for criminal defense attorney services, you can find a legal professional for proper defense for yourself or your company if you’re facing criminal charges. We have extensive knowledge and apply statute law and the rules of criminal procedure while handling appeals, dealing with sentencing, and post-trial issues with experience handling all types of cases. There are many different services that our criminal defense services offer to accommodate you in a variety of situations when you’re charged with crimes to improve the outcome of the case.
Drug Defense Services
Drug crimes involving controlled substances like illicit drugs require legal representation to ensure your rights are defended. With legal representation, you can expect ethical legal defense in state or federal court for charges related to possession, manufacture, distribution, conspiracy, and more. It’s important to have the services of an attorney who is knowledgeable about how to approach the situation. Your case may involve crack, cocaine, ecstasy, steroids, or methamphetamine, which means you may be facing severe penalties the state can impose.
We’ll use our extensive knowledge and expertise to keep you out of jail and help save you money while informing you of your rights during a consultation. It’s important to contact us as soon as possible to learn how the criminal justice system works and seek release from custody if you have a pending case. We’ll help you understand the legal and financial implications of the charges you’re facing and explain the various legal strategies that are available. With our services, you may be capable of entering a plea in exchange for a reduced sentence or probation after we review the evidence.
Juvenile Defense Services
For underage minors who have committed crimes and are under the age of 19, our juvenile defense services are available to properly navigate the delinquency system for your child. Our defense attorney advocates on behalf of a juvenile client while enforcing their due process rights while presenting the legal case in the court of law. We will act as your voice while advocating for your interests. The crimes we can defend may relate to manslaughter, theft, sex crimes, robbery, larceny, drug possession, DWI, and manslaughter. We can also work to minimize the charges and improve your outcome rather than if you don’t have any representation.
Burglary Defense Services
Obtaining aggressive burglary defense services can allow you to get results in a trial if you’re charged with any form of burglary, which includes shoplifting, theft, burglary, and larceny. Legal representation can minimize the charges to protect your freedom with penalties that can vary depending on how much property was stolen. Our attorney can prove a lack of intent on behalf of their client, which is a significant factor with the crime committed. The charges may also include attempting to pass a check or submit a check with insufficient funds in their personal bank account.

Penalties for burglary charges include:
– Serious fines
– Restitution
– Six to two years in a state jail facility
– Up to 10 Years of probation
We can evaluate your case and consider the options while assessing the different facts related to your situation. If your charges aren’t dismissed or reduced, we can also find a legal defense and prepare to head to trial.
Assault Defense Services
Assault is often characterized as taking actions with the intent to harm another individual with simple assault to aggravated assault.
Simple assault includes:
– Making threats to harm another individual or their spouse
– Taking action to physically harm another person or their spouse
– Taking any type of action that the other individual would regard as physically hurtful or offensive
Aggravated assault includes:
The victim becoming physically harmed during the act
If strangulation was included in the physical act
A criminal history of the defendant
The relationship of the victim to the perpetrator
We’ll work hard to fight for your legal rights to prevent you from being wrongfully convicted due to our expertise and knowledge of assault cases. Some of the most common defenses include self-defense, age, insanity, consent, privilege, and statute of limitations. Most assault cases can result in jail time of one to five years, depending on the degree of the felony. In extreme cases, you may even face life in prison.
You can obtain vigorous representation if you’re facing falsities and charges that are outlandish to protect your reputation. We can mount a solid defense case with an investigation and pre-trial representation offered. We work hard to educate our clients and devise a thorough plan to reduce the risk of penalties.
Identity Theft Defense Services
Identity theft continues to become more common as it becomes easier to access personal information in computer databases and online. This has caused the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Internal Revenue Service to become more active in pursuing charges after performing thorough investigations. There are many forms of identity theft, which include phishing, false use of credit cards, mail theft, social security number theft, counterfeit theft, impersonation, and forging documents for personal gain. Most individuals who face identity theft charges have more than one count of the crime while facing high fines and up to 30 years of prison time. We can prove there was no ill will intended or that you don’t have any relation to the information that was collected.
Punishment for identity theft is up to 15 years in prison, making it necessary to obtain legal representation to avoid the forfeiture of property that was used. You can expect the prosecutors to add charges from different federal statutes. Some of the most common cases we take on include wire fraud, bank fraud, mortgage fraud, and mail fraud.
Domestic Violence Defense Services
There is a long list of offenses related to domestic violence charges, which involve two parties in a relationship with one another. The charges include second-degree assault, serious felonies, and even harassment, which is considered to be a misdemeanor. Those who are facing domestic violence charges are eligible for fines and confinement. A legal professional can guide you through the process while working hard to protect your career and reputation. They may also suggest if the best option is to head to trial and expose any of the weaknesses that may be present in the state’s case.
Whether you’re facing a protective order or allegations, we can retain our legal services if you believe you’ve been falsely accused. We’ll work hard to review the details of the case to help you avoid a permanent criminal record or having your rights to bear arms revoked.
We represent individuals who are charged with:
– Child abuse
– Felony family violence
– Spousal abuse
– Family violence assault
– Misdemeanor domestic violence
– Protective orders
DUI Defense Services
As the most common charge in the state of Colorado, obtaining DUI defense services is crucial to obtain the assistance of a legal professional who understands the court systems and informs you of your rights. DUI offenses often result in a suspended driver’s license, jail time, and fines. The implications can impact your career and personal finances now and in the future. Our technical proficiency and experience will allow your rights to be defended while representing your best interests when speaking to a jury. We’ll mount the proper defense to improve the outcome of the case. We’ll also conduct thorough research into the detail of the case and are knowledgeable to understand the science and complexities of blood testing, as well as any results that appear dubious. We can discover any flaws that may be present that can lead to inaccurate results.

Our DUI defense services include educating you on the criminal court’s process and can assist in clearing up past records if you’re an eligible client.